Saturday, April 23, 2016

SLO Action Reserach Weld & Electricity

Many public Pennsylvania schools use what is called a student learning objective otherwise known as an SLO to measure understanding of important information gained throughout their courses.  As part of our student teaching experience we h

ad to create and conduct our own SLO and Action Research project. 

I created an SLO to measure retention of electrical wiring skills gained in a general agricultural mechanics class.  My problem statement read… Retention of information and skills previously taught is very important especially in the agricultural mechanics shop when each class is a building block to the last.  Mr. Smith & Mrs. Oberholtzer have noticed in their welding and electricity class many students do not retain information related to proper wiring.  Each student in this class has already taken introductory Ag. Mechanics and covered in depth general electrical principles to pave the way for their learning specifically in welding and electricity.

Below you can see the infographic I created for measuring growth of my 7 students in my welding and electricity class. 

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