Wow what a week it has been!
National FFA Week at Lampeter Strasburg High School has come to a close
and I am super proud of the job well done that the students did. So let’s talk about the week.
To begin with I set the goal to have all my materials for
the entire week ready to go by Monday afternoon. For the most part I met this goal and it
alleviated a good chunk of stress this week would bring. I again am setting the same goal for myself
this week. Planning proved to be
monumental this past week and whether it is National FFA Week or not having all
your ducks in a row (for the most part) is super beneficial to the success of
your Monday starting off on the right path and a continual upward climb than
downward slope throughout the entirety of your week.
I want to specifically touch on three events that occurred
during this past week. The first was
wear your official dress to school day.
While nothing has changed since I was in high school and we wore our
official dress to school and many students complained and whined about having
to do it. Wearing your blue and gold
corduroy jacket speaks volumes! When
other students and teachers see a swarm of blue and gold jackets you make a
statement before even speaking to them.
You are a part of one of the largest and best youth development
organizations. You believe in the future
of agriculture, enhancing your personal skills of leadership, group
collaboration, public speaking and much more.
You learned that to live and work
on a good farm, or be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as
well as challenging. You are an
advocate. You are the voice of modern
day agriculture.
The second event was something my cooperating teachers
informed me is a big hit every year and our preparation for it started well
before National FFA Week. On Wednesday
the Garden Spot FFA chapter held an ice cream social for all the teachers after
school. The excitement and thanks
received from faculty and staff was surreal!
Now think about this. Where is
your ag. classroom located? Probably
many of you like ours it is nestled way back in a far corner of the
building. So while we had all these
teachers from other parts of the building corralled down in our wing we made
the most of it. Students’ projects from
the vet science classes were out on display for the teachers to look at. In my welding and electrical class we devoted
a day solely for constructing different types of welds or electrical splices to
be on display in the shop. Anytime you
get the chance to show off your program do it!
While it blows my mind the respect the other teachers have for my
cooperating teachers. I truly believe
many of them really do not know what it is we do in the ag. department so that
is why you have things like an ice cream social or teacher breakfast to show
appreciation for all the days students have missed in their classes traveling
to CDEs and other events. And show them
what it is you are doing in your classes.
Last was a farmer’s breakfast we put on this past
Saturday. The students did a phenomenal
job delegating tasks and getting all the food and supplies around. Again an event like this showed how much the
FFA organization means to these kids getting up at 5am on a Saturday and the
turnout from the community to support such an organization.
While FFA Week only comes once a year that doesn’t mean you
have to wait until then to show off all the cool things your chapter and students
are doing. Newspaper articles, bulletin
boards, and school board meetings are all great ways to promote your program.