Sunday, January 17, 2016

An All Day Affair to a Short Afternoon at the PA Farm Show

My student teaching experience at Lampeter Strasburg High School began Monday January 11th.  Going to high school in the Northern Tier traveling to Farm Show was an all-day affair.  However, since Lampeter Strasburg is only about forty minutes away from the Farm Show located in Lancaster County we did not leave until eleven o’clock.  In the morning I observed Vet Science 1 a class that I will begin teaching next Monday.  We did travel back to the Farm Show Wednesday for the whole day taking twenty students.    

When eleven o’clock rolled around we took five freshmen with us to receive their very own blue and gold corduroy jacket.  We met the five seniors receiving their Keystone Degrees there.  As we settled in our seats on the arena floor I was introduced to Mr. Spencer the principal of the high school.  Holly and Mr. Smith (my cooperating teachers) informed me how important it is to always invite your administration to events like this.  Something to be noted when I have my own program.

Right before the ceremony started I reflected on my journey within the FFA.  I remember being a young freshman ecstatic to be receiving my official FFA jacket.  Never would I have thought all the opportunities it would offer me throughout my high school career.  And listening to the FFA Alumni Association speaking to the over 500 students receiving their official jacket that day I was so excited for them!  I also thought about my time back at the Farm Show 4 years later when I would be receiving my Keystone Degree.  How so many people helped me along my journey towards my degree and how appreciative I was for that.  From my FFA advisor who gave me guidance and hauled my show animals to fair, my parents who encouraged me to keep working hard with my steers when I felt defeated after leading them, and my friends I met within the FFA who I made endless memories with and the opportunity to house my animals at their farm. 

Now being a student teacher and observing the convention from a different viewpoint.  I can’t wait to get started with the students I will be spending the next 14 weeks with!   

1 comment:

  1. Mason,

    Thank you for sharing. I do want to encourage you to be cautious of sentence, structure, grammar and spelling in your blog posts.

    In this post for example, there are some incomplete sentences. You might consider typing in word and cutting/pasting into the editor window.
